MERN app created for the children's literature museum, The Rabbit hOle.

Github link

Deployed app link

A full-stack app implementing that helps women connect to their communities.

Github link

Deployed app link

A full-stack app that helps you find friends for your dog!

Github link

Deployed app link

A full-stack app using Sequelize, Node, Express, Handlebars, and a homemade ORM.

Github link

Deployed app link

A NoSQL database web app that displays the latest fake news articles and allows users to comment on the articles.

Github link

Deployed app link

A CLI shopping app connected to a mySQL database

Github link

Sign-up to help clean up trails near you!

Github link

Deployed app link

Add the next train and find out when the next one is arriving.

Github link

Deployed app link

LIRI is a command line input bot. You can make 4 different types of searches from your machine's terminal window.

Github link